Should dwarf slayers have a little missile resistance, as a treat?

Slayers are cool but pretty non-viable. Part of the problem is that they're squishy as hell, which is of course the point. They die to stuff like dinky bow units constantly. Pretty embarrassing death.

Those who played Total War Warhammer know that slayers have a small, but useful 35% missile block chance built in, and they can deflect projectiles with their axes. They're also bad in Total War, but at least this makes them slightly more survivable (and badass).

What if slayers have a 5+ armour save against ranged attacks coming in from the front arc, like a worse jezzail pavise? This makes sense because armour-penetrating stuff like handguns would be way harder to block than arrows or thrown weapons. This would probably be a thing that only dual-handweapon slayers benefit from, since that's how it works in TWW, and also it's probably far harder to block stuff with a great weapon.

One downside I can see is that the motley crew would make this exceedingly annoying to keep track of, but that's kinda cuz motley crew is just such a wack rule. I feel like this would make slayers just a little more viable, while also being thematic and cool! What do you think?