6,000 Points, Twelve Months, Zero Grey Shame

Capturing a rare moment where 100% of my Warhammer 40,000 models are painted.

The force includes: Kaldor Draigo, Castellan Crowe, Grand Master Voldus, Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight, A second Draigo model that fills... Whatever roll I want him to lol, 3x Brotherhood Librarians, 3x Brotherhood Techmarines, 5x Five-Man Terminator squads, 3x Nemesis Dreadknights, 3x Land Raider Banishers, 3x Ten-Man Interceptor squads, Ten-Man Paladin squad, Ten-Man Purifier squad, Five-Man purgation squad, Venerable Dreadnaught, Vindicare Assassin, Knight Castellan, Rhino convertible to Razorback