Incident at whole foods parking lot

Hello everyone! Today I saw someone shopping with their family wearing a Trump hat. I was extremely dumb as I passed them in the parking lot and told the father that it was stupid to wear that hat in Canada and he immediately lost it and chased me to my car, pounding on the door and then proceeded to chase me on foot through the whole uptown parking lot and eventually cracked one of my passenger windows. I will say that in hindsight him screaming that I was a furry was pretty comical but he was so feral that it terrified me. He looked homicidal.

I already reported it to the police. I know I instigated the interaction. I just am feeling incredibly shocked that it escalated to violence in such a short amount of time, in VICTORIA, especially in front of 3 small children. People are more high strung than I ever imagined and that just changed how I will move through the world forever I think. I never shy away from saying what I feel and I love living in a country where I rarely even consider violence as a result of a conversation.

Anyways just felt like people should know. The guy was kinda short, bearded and they had three kids 5-10 and a grey pickup. If it sounds like a Trump supporter you know, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Edit a few hours after: I made this right after I got home from it happening and since I’ve been playing it over and over in my head - I think after he started yelling at me and walking towards my car I said “f you traitor” or something along those lines. That’s really all I can recall saying, after that I froze and didn’t say another word.

Edit: cops have essentially already said they won’t find him. Really hoping someone who sees this witnessed it happen, the parking lot was busy and I’m visible (tall with leopard print buzz cut) case number SA25-4228 with Saanich PD

Edit edit: the hat wasn’t “MAGA”, it said TRUMP and underneath that it said “he’ll be back” and then it had his signature in gold on the top of the brim. more specific than just MAGA and that’s why I noticed