I hate the way young boys are sexualized
In light of the recent situation involving DJ Akademiks asking sexually-charged questions to an uncomfortable 15-year-old boy, I feel compelled to vent about this somewhere.
I say this not in terms of young boys being viewed as sexual objects, but rather in terms of how young boys are put into this box of being, by default, sexually-minded, hormonal creatures who have no inhibitions.
I despise the notion that men and young boys are sexual by default, and therefore they enjoy any and all sexual advances, innuendos, jokes, and/or suggestive remarks, even if the boys themselves are underage. I roll my eyes at every comment that says "I wish she could have been MY teacher!" when schoolkids get sexually assaulted today. I don't like the phrase "imagine if the genders were reversed," because we shouldn't have to! Young boys need to be protected form predators, men and women alike, just the same.
I just hate adults' projections onto young boys, and the assumption that, because a person is a boy, then they have one attitude towards sexual activity or sexually charged conversations: that they always like it and are never uncomfortable. It's wrong, and I wish it weren't this way.
Young boys, whether they've hit puberty or not, should be able to decide for themselves what their attitudes are when it comes to sex and when they want to partake in those kinds of discussions. It shouldn't be projected onto them by adults who can only view things through what they would like personally. This harmful idea that boys and men only have one attitude towards sex and that it's always positive is why sex at younger and younger ages is being unnecessarily seen as a rite of passage for true manhood. It's why sexual assault against young boys isn't taken as seriously as it should be. It's immediately turned into a place for jokes, and it just becomes a never-ending cycle of abused kids who are too afraid to speak out and become damaged adults.