My family is going to starve and die because we “deserve it because you don’t work” I AM DISABLED AND MY SPOUSE IS TOO BLIND TO DRIVE

I would work if anyone would accommodate me but I haven’t got past the interview state in 5 years! We live very poorly on Medicaid and food stamps. I literally got told my child WHO IS THIRTEEN should get a job at McDonalds so they “don’t end up as useless as you”. The only reason we won’t die homeless is someone else’s generosity in basically giving us a reduced price house that is constantly falling apart because we can’t afford to fix little things which become bigger things.

This country and the people elected would rather us die to reduce the surplus population. I literally can’t do anything. I can’t give up, I won’t for my child, but what am I supposed to do?!


I can’t believe people. Someone just said I deserve to die and reduce the population due to things completely out of my control? They implied I deserve to die because I depend on other people.

Did you miss the part where I DO NOT WANT TO BE A “LEECH” I WANT TO WORK BUT NO ONE EVEN SEES MY RESUME? Did you see the part where I did everything right to try to pull myself out of the poverty cycle and my body and brain just said “NOPE!” And issues completely out of my control just happened in my body?

Everyone, literally EVERYONE uses money from the government. Even if someone were a hermit it the woods that hunted and farmed their own food, and never left their house, never used a road, any sort of involvement with society, the very concept of “Owning” that land is a social construct: if a gang of people muscled in on that farmers home and belongings, that farmer would need some kind of police to get their land back. They’d need proof from the government that it is in fact their land. Fire and rescue services would attempt to protect the home in case of a fire. Ambulances would take them to a hospital. They would likely have been educated in a public school as a child, most people are.

People need people. I’m sorry I need people a little more right now.

I don’t think I deserve to die because of that. I don’t think anyone should even go hungry.

Everyone is a “leech” in some way, because there’s no way an individuals taxes alone take care of even the roads they drive on, the schooling they’ve received, the construction work it took to get power and water to their house, the police who protect their area.

I hope anyone reading never have their life turned upside down because of a diagnosis, or like five like I have. Never have an accident, never need help. Because if it ever happens, you become like me, and there are plenty who think that you deserve to die because you’re a “leech”.

Edit: I’m done explaining myself. Find my comments or don’t Thank you to nice people. I’m so mad I’m going to keep my family alive on spite if I have to.

FINAL EDIT: my family is going to be ok for February. I admit I panicked. I still don’t know what the future may hold. Thank you you wonderful majority of people trying to help/understand/offer sympathy. I realized I really shouldn’t care about people who think they can judge me from a few internet posts. I think $200 to make my spouse happy was worth it; $200 wouldn’t even have paid for more education or anything. And they’ve saved money on a ton of little fixes around our home by 3D printing out things rather than buying it at a hardware store AND have sold a couple of “fun” things they printed. I haven’t done the math but it’s likely nearly paid for itself. We’re literally doing all we can to pull ourselves out of this crap. But the sad truth is you can do everything right and things still don’t work out. I’m educated, but the skills I developed were declared null by disabilities I never asked for and couldn’t prevent. I can’t control what people think about me and my spouse: I can’t control AI seeing the fact I need accommodations and preventing anyone from seeing job applications. I can’t prevent the disability people from taking literal months to decide if I actually qualify. I can’t prevent someone seeing my spouses eye not behaving “normally” and drawing attention to it. I can’t stop toxic politicians toxic activities. I CAN call my caseworker weekly and stay on top of things. I CAN sell things we don’t use anymore on the internet. I CAN keep doing the odd jobs I can do even if it’s not enough for a living. I can AND DID vote blue. I can keep showing off what my spouse and I can do. I can keep applying, I can ask for feedback on how I could interview better. I can stay on my meds and lessen the severity of my symptoms. I can (for right now) keep working with my doctors to be the healthiest I can be, mentally and physically.

And I can thank you wonderful majority again for your comments.