We need more female tech-using agents and more male radiant agents

From the Istanbul Operation recording which we can listen to in the Range, we know that Fade is going to be a radiant agent.

This leaves the current composition of the agents as follows:


Killjoy, Raze and Viper are the only female non-radiant agents who fight using technology and Omen, Phoenix and Yoru are the only male agents who have supernatural powers that they generate themselves.

Can we please have more agents like them for a more balanced composition in the roster?

EDIT: It seems like I'm getting quite a few knee-jerk, angry "who cares" comments. Firstly, as a lore enthusiast, this is mostly for the lore diversity rather than an actual gameplay mechanic so stop bringing that up. Secondly, please read the comment I posted here. As I mentioned, it's empowering to see agents such as Killjoy, Raze and Viper hold their own based on their intellect and ingenuity, even when facing against powerful radiants who have supernatural abilities. Also, just think about how well the gender ratio between benders and non-benders was done in Avatar the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. It'd be cool lore-wise to see Valorant reflect a balance like that.