University is still for the rich


hear me out. even though SfE is great and our tuition is covered by student loan there are things that really make me believe that education is still for the rich.

My university is hosting a summer school for an area of Law I would LOVE to study, but tell me why it is £950.00 for 8 days of classes?? I already pay now £9,500 for my course and your telling me I have to pay more to attend a summer school??

Moreover, they have offered 4 week internships abroad with no flexibility on time frame. These internships were put out for those from low income families, those with caring responsibilities and students with disabilities. A very minuscule number of children from those categories can attend. Once again shutting them out from opportunity. Me and many other students from low income families work, and we cannot pack up and leave work for the month??? When raising it, my concerns were not heard.

What do you guys think?