Does anyone else take their toddler to BabyBallet? Do they enjoy it?
I started taking my 20 month old to Baby Ballet and it was going great, but there were only two other little girls that went and they decided to close that class because it wasn't popular enough. We transferred to a different class with maybe 10 other little girls and our first time has been ... overwhelming, to say the least. Lots of toddlers running around causing mayhem (including mine). I'm an introvert too - I felt completely out of my element. My toddler isn't used to having so many kids around and seemed shocked, even cried a little towards the end and was practically dragging me out the door. When I asked her about it later though she seemed to react positively. I still have a splitting headache though lmao.
I guess I'm just wondering, does it get easier? Will she eventually start to interact with the other girls and not be so intimidated? Will I stop feeling so overwhelmed by it? Our old class really brought out these positive changes in my toddler but I'm worried this new environment will undo all that.
Do your little ones enjoy Baby Ballet and do you have any positive stories to share?