To those hopefully emigrating: Prepare to be stuck in the States until after you have completed your move
What I mean by this is that if you are driving to a land border or flying out with hopes to not come back, make sure that yourself and your home/family are still well prepared for not being able to leave.
I'm not trying to fear monger about whether this will happen. My intention is to communicate that these hypothetical restrictions (or more simply, document processing issues!) could potentially come at more or less any time. If they were to occur, we would at the least be stepping up to the next level of sustaining survival. Still having your US-informed prepping resources in that scenario would be crucial. Do not entirely abandon your "US prepping" ship while working to prioritize your escape.
Strongly consider finding ways to avoid divesting yourself of your prepping supplies until after the initial phase of your emigration/immigration process has been completed. This may require having help or friends/family, either directly or as a "manager" of a local storage unit.
Depending on your comfort levels and destination this "initial phase" could look very different, so assess what that means for you. As opposed to a "red line" for leaving the US, this could maybe be called a "green line" for feeling securely settled in your proposed home country. It could be the moment your destination's customs accepts you. Or it could mean waiting until your visa status shifts from tourist to temporary resident/temporary to permanent resident.
Non-exhaustive list of examples:
If you can't take them with you and know someone trustworthy of and comfortable with managing them for you, wait to donate your personal stock of OTC birth control or emergency contraceptives.
Continue to put resources into your food pantry as you're able while also funding your move. Prepare to have someone pick them up as a gift after you've "completed" your move. If you don't trust anyone enough to preserve your supplies, gather them and only notify them of their gift after the fact. Certain sealed bulk items should be able to be donated or potentially even resold.
Keep tending to your seedlings/garden until you drive away/hit the airport. Have a neighbor or friend watch them throughout your initial process if needed, then gift them to them. You could use the outdoor mini-greenhouse clear Rubbermaid/"milk jug" method for a bit longer depending on your climate, to make this lower maintenance for your helper. Leave some plants in the ground for whoever's buying or renting your prior home. Join an online seed sharing group and have a helper mail off pre-stamped seed packets.
Include your bug-out bag in your road trip/flight in a way that also aligns with your emigration. If you're going somewhere particularly low risk and find this excessive, you can consider shipping extra survival supplies that are somehow unnecessary to your move/new destination back to someone in the US or donating them locally-- Either at the border or in your destination.
If you are comfortable being armed and able to afford it, do not avoid getting a firearm solely because the country you're planning to be in within the next few months won't accept them. Prepare to have a transfer of ownership all-but-finalized to be completed without your presence. Or consider using a service like Www.HoldMyGuns.Org until you're certain you won't be back for it... This could be especially important if 2A is somehow also restricted/on the table around the same time as your move/as potential travel restrictions. Particularly if gun rights are not proposed to become fully abolished but rather limited to "non-dissenters/American citizens/'males and females'."
If you're changing climates drastically consider keeping seasonal gear you won't need in a storage unit/at a friend's house for their use, until you know you're clear+staying.