AITA for hiding when my boyfriend arrived home?

So my boyfriend has a habit of not letting me know when he's gonna be home late. We have been living together for the last 3 years and it has been a recurring problem where he will go for drinks after work or will be working late and he won't let me know. Usually I start calling like 1-2 hours in to know he's alright but it somehow always results us in fighting. He's really conflict avoidant and will shift blame to anything other than himself and I have ADHD and can be really agressive in those instances. Those fights usually leave me feeling pretty bad about myself because I know he doesn't take critisism well when he already blames himself and so it doesn't feel right "mothering" him. I was determined not to make this into an argument today so I made myself a little sleeping nook under my office table and waited for him. It's 3 am and he just arrived home. I got a whole 5 minutes of chuckles when he searched for me. When he found me he was a little upset because he thought that i had been kidnapped cause my brother (who visited that evening) had left the doors unlocked. I feel such a sense of justice right now but am I the AH for it? He's kind of moping of the sofa now, he DID apologise in the end but ONLY after I told him that it wasn't right what HE did.

So... should I apologise tomorrow for my actions?