My girlfriend is beyond stupid and I feel like I might have to end the relationship

Ok. When I first met my girlfriend I noticed she sometimes made misjudgements but I didn’t think much of it. Now that we been together 2 years I realize how stupid she is. That might sound harsh but that’s the only word I can think of. We will go downtown to some place she wants to go and she will walk down a street and be like “oh wait wrong way” then walk down another street and be like “oh no wrong way” then walk down another street and be like “oops wrong way again”. It’s horrible, she has no sense of direction and I feel so stupid following her around.

She also talks in circles which makes me so angry. Like for an example yesterday she asked me, “do you want a burrito for dinner?” Then I replied we don’t have the ingredients for a burrito so I’m going to eat the food we have in the house. She then asks, “oh so you don’t want a burrito?” So I thought maybe she bought ingredients for a burrito so I said sure I’ll have a burrito. She then says, “ok but we don’t have the ingredients for a burrito”. Like YES I KNOW THAT.

Her stupidity makes me treat her worse which I hate because I don’t want to be rude to people but sometimes the way she talks and acts just infuriates me. I also feel more slow and held down when I’m with her. Like when she makes a dumb decision I’m usually around her so I have to help her correct her mistake.

Anytime I do something alone I feel a huge wave of happiness go through my body because I don’t feel held back from her behaviour. Overall she’s a good person but I honestly don’t think I can continue a relationship with her. Her misjudgments cause me so much financial loss and general stress.