I don't like the compliments on my weight loss

I know it sounds ridiculous, but just hear me out. I (25F) have been losing weight due to my doctor prescribing me wegovy. I'm 5'1 and I was pretty heavy and was in the obesity range. I still am, but on the lower side and almost into the overweight BMI for my weight. Since August, I've lost a little over 30 pounds. At first I felt happy to finally being able to lose the weight.

My mother has been getting on me to lose weight ever since my teen years (I was more active during my teen years) so I was thinking maybe now she will finally stop...but she hasn't. When I mentioned lowering my dosage on my medicine, she didn't seem too happy (I'm still trying to have the doctor and pharmacy communicate so yea) despite the fact she doesn't like me being on this medicine.

Now that my clothes have gotten bigger, she's starting to make comments like how my clothes look baggy now and that she can really tell the difference. When I mention any amount of weight loss (even losing 4 pounds this week because I was sick the day before my weigh in so I barely even ate that day), she's happy about it. When I opened some gifts today from my grandmother and it was clothing, she said how I need to try them on because they may be too big on me.

Family members have also mentioned that I've lost weight too. At first I was happy that it was noticeable, but now I feel that now that I've lost the weight, that's the only time they've complimented me. They've said things like "have you lost weight? You look great! I mean really you look great!" One of my aunts even asked if I lost even more weight since Thanksgiving. I know they mean well, but I feel I usually don't get complimented unless there's something different about me. I don't even wear make up and on the very rare occasion I do, I get told how pretty I look.

I just look at myself and just see someone who won't escape from being commented on by my weight. My friends never see me for my weight and I'm happy they just see me, but I'm tired of my family, especially my mother, just commenting on my weight.

I know I shouldn't be happy, but I'm just here still feeling like no matter what I do it's never good enough. That I'll never be good enough.