Questions from an atheist
I do not believe in a Christian God. And I have a few questions.
Firstly, I am not attacking Christianity or any of your beliefs, but I do have opinions that vary from what I’ve heard are the teachings of Christianity, and would like clarification on why Christian’s believe some things.
A. Why do many Christians believe homosexuality and trans sexuality are inherently bad? The arguments I’ve heard are that they are relationships that produce no children, and that “god said so”. But is this actually harming anyone in any way? Besides “god”?
B. This one may be outdated and not as popular, but I still see Christians claim that males are superior to females. What on earth is the reason?
C. Belief that prayer can aid getting rid of disease. I don’t believe it can, period. Explain how the cells in your body are altered through prayer.
D. Many Christians argue that a god must exist because “something didn’t come from nothing” but… where did god come from? Honest question, not an attack at faith.
E. Do atheists/pagans receive some punishment from god after death, according to Christianity, even if they led empathetic and kind lives?
F. Does anyone seeing this post actively try and convert people to Christianity? It irks me that I’ve seen people who attempt to bring people into their religion because the Bible told them to.
G. Finally, for Americans, do you believe that Christianity should be worked into the school system and/or the government? Because I believe that pushing a religion onto Americans or children is inherently wrong and indoctrination.
Again, I mean no intentional harm by these questions. I genuinely want to have answers/good hearted debate.