I keep mindlessly sinning

Hello everyone. I wanted to ask here for both some prayers and some advice. This may be tmi, but I've been exposed to p*rn as a 13 year old and have had problems with lustfully sinning for many..many...MANY years. I'm 20 now, and still have this issue. My problem is the moment I feel these feelings of doing it, my mind completely zones out. I'm in the sin zone almost, like my body fully gives in and its so hard for me to come back to reality. I absolutely know m@sterbátìòn is wrong and want to change. I pray for Gods guidance, for him to lead me to not only hate my sin but also to lead me to a point of me just simply not wanting it anymore. (meaning a feeling of disgust torwards it.) I also have very recently been thanking God for temptations being there, as they are also a way for me to grow. The only problem is that I keep falling into them rather then running away from them.

But yeah, to sum up my main problem (at least from what I see). When I think about sin and I slowly begin to feel a certain way (hope I don't need to elaborate), I become mindless and give in completely. Any advice on how to help me? And any/all prayers are greatly appreciated. Thank you my brothers and sisters in Christ :)