Looking for Young, Ambitious Christians (Friends)

Hey! I (17F) am looking for more Christians to find fellowship with. I want ambitious friends that can bring me up, and I bring them up. Specifically looking for people that are children of God. Daughter of God, son of God. Who are not looking for the easy way out. Who are willing to have deep relationships. Who are willing to edify me and I, them.

I just need some more friends. My friends right now are great, but I find it difficult to connect with them spiritually. My first best friend, in all honesty, holds heretical beliefs. My second best friend, I struggle to have a meaningful relationship with. I don't feel like I can be vulnerable with her. My third, I don't know. I just don't.

And I don't think any of them would accept me for who I really am, all of my parts. At least, I don't feel safe enough to.