Fix your damn vehicle

It is 11 at night. I've had a shit day. You decide to park next to me blocking the damn turn in this already small parking lot forcing drivers to use the scale to go around, give me a stinkeye because you can't plan your own damn day better and can't find parking and I look at you like "are you really going to be that pos", AND YOUR OVERSIZED SHIT BOX PURGES IT'S AIR CUT OFF EVERY 60 FUCKING SECONDS. GET IT FIXED AND STOP BEING A POS. Or at the very minimum don't park next to OTHERS TRYING TO SLEEP KNOWING YOUR SHIT WILL KEEP THEM AWAKE.

TA. Commerce, GA. You know who tf you are.

Edit: I am one of 5 other drivers that have knocked in this guys door. “Why do yall feel the need to knock every hour about this? Leave me alone” is all his response was. And if I could upload audio, I’d show yall how it is literally every 60 seconds. Also, to the other drivers defending this guy, it’s a damn shame to see how many drivers out here don’t/cant maintain their equipment to think that THAT is normal.