Newly diagnosed, in my late 20s and a bit lost. Need advice.

Hey all, I've been diagnosed with arthritis in my feet and in my knees recently and I was so surprised because I am quite young. I'm feelin' pretty hopeless about it and had to stop my sport because of it because it was too much jumping for my knees to take anymore.

I have worries about it especially when I go hiking or walking, or work out at the gym or something I can hear a loud crack sound in my knee on ever single stair I take or anytime I bend my knee slightly.

Do others experience this? Is it normal? It feels like glass inside my knees.

My doc just told me to get fitter at the gym and build muscles but not much else I can do. She also told me turmeric tea helps? What helps you guys?

Edit: Thank you all for your replies 💕🥺 I feel so much less alone now.