Reading Reccs to Avoid Pynchon Burnout
Hey! I've got about 100 pages left of Against the Day right now, and I absolutely love it. It's likely one of my top five favorite books of all time. This was my first Pynchon, and I am irreversibly obssessed with his prose, his mind, his humor, and in general, the feeling of jumping back into the world's most epic film every time I crack it open.
But with those praises out of the way, I have to admit, this book has been putting my mental faculties on overdrive. And don't get me wrong, that's not a complaint! It's only difficult to understand because Pynchon is a genius, and the only way to get something out of a book is to work for it. That being said, I have embarrassingly spent multiple months on AtD, and I think after this, I need a book that doesn't have me opening up a fan-made wiki from 2009 every page to understand what's going on (for some sections, at least). I'm a slow reader to begin with, but this has absolutely dashed any hopes of hitting my 2024 GoodReads book count goal (100% worth it).
Anyway, all that's to say: what do I read next??? As Pynchon fans, I'm assuming this is a crowd of literary taste. Please, please, please tell me of any books that, while still great, just take less effort out of you. I want something I can read on a noisy bus commute because I don't need to be 100% dialed in. I love Vonnegut and Murakami and Austen, if that helps at all, but I am fully open to any suggestions of books that impacted you (even if it's more Pynchon!). I have a copy of V sitting on my shelf that I couldn't pass up on at a used bookstore, but I'm afraid jumping right into that might be a Pynchon overdose. Let me know if that's wrong, or if you have any tips on tackling V.
TLDR: Would be very grateful for book reccs after finishing Against the Day that won't fry my brain or have me desperately searching Wikapedia to get the slightest grasp on Iceland spar, Riemann, and quaternions. Thanks!!
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