Does James bother anyone else?

I’ve strongly disliked James since he got introduced. Almost every time he’s on screen, he’s talking bad about police and politics. I get that he has opinions and the police aren’t all good, but it’s gotten so annoying. When he was first introduced, he would say the cops never did anything or helped, and then complain when they did. When Nolan opened the park gates and fixed the lights and equipment, James got so mad at him. I was like “you just complained about nobody helping your neighborhood and now you’re complaining when someone does?!” A few times, there have been criminals that did horrible things, and James will start advocating for them and saying what the officers are doing is wrong or a violation of rights. It’s just so confusing and so annoying. It’s like his whole personality is just fighting against the police, whether they are right or wrong. I don’t understand how he married a police officer. Nyla confesses to Angela that her and James argue a lot and it’s always about the same thing (police politics) and they never come to a resolution. He also ambushed her in HER OWN HOME with 20+ strangers who wanted her to answer their questions and concerns. I just find him annoying.