Hello everyone please give me suggestions… i had always been interested in robotics and physics.. seniors please help

since the childhood… i have won world robotics olympiad and several other robotics comp. at national level… and have made various projects also taught arduino on yt..my projects are also recognised by national innovation foundation..i had also built two UAVs with payload of 50-80 grams… my main motive of coming to thapar was to explore robotics and the practical part of engineering which i love…. But i think reality is a bit different here… i am not here for placements.. i have a family business and my mom says ki tumhe jab join kerna hoga kerlena.. so i thought i should explore more and let my creativity out i am asking the seniors is thapar the right place.? Or i should just get a common degree and indulge myself in family business(i am fine both ways) please suggest me …