Horrible patch notes

I will never understand how people are happy with this patch. Y’all are like: ‘oh omg y’all fixed Bones endurance and savagery, xbox crashes, wyatt crash and Bones grapple stats.’ First of all, these bugs should have never been there in the first place. So why y’all happy that they fixed game breaking bugs after almost 2 months when they should’ve never been there. Also this game doesn’t give a damn about balancing. Maybe if they don’t have to fix 100 bugs each update, they could actually do something about balance changes. But no, every update they create more and more bugs which makes them have no time for balance changes. Also about the content, y’all do realize that they still have to release 2 execution packs, 2 content pass cosmetics, a Leatherface cosmetic, a hair pack and a map variant next month? I’m sorry but it’s impossible for them to do that. People don’t think it’s a big deal because they will obviously release the remaining content pass cosmetics because that’s what we payed for right even tho they promised more planned content that we won’t even get. This devs don’t care about their players, they only care about money. They only lie and ignore every single on of us. As a family main, i’m gonna check out the Leatherface cosmetic tomorrow and i’ll call it a day because that’s all the family players get. The next day imma hop off TCM for another whole month because this is obviously not enough content after almost 2 months.