UPDATE: I leveled Johnny up in one evening lol thanks again everyone who gave advice

For those who don’t know, I haven’t used Johnny in the game since maybe the month the game released outside of trying out rush week. I’ve been level 99 for months, had already finished leveling up Wyatt, and was working on bones when I felt like maybe I should probably finish Johnny too. I made a post here like two days ago and you guys really came through for advice on using Johnny. I finally had some time last night to play and thanks to double XP got him up in maybe 5 hours or so. I definitely would not have done this if it were not double XP so shout out to the developers for that too lol

My opinion of Johnny has definitely changed. I think he’s a very good character now and I enjoyed using him. I also have a better understanding of why it’s so easy to die from him and how to avoid him when I play victim since I do play both sides almost equally. Just wanted to show that I actually did go and play him, and using this build it was pretty easy.