A reimagined Miguel Enríquez, and Chile (possibly) joining the OFN
Miguel Enríquez was a Chilean revolutionary, a medic, and a politician, he founded the MIR (translated, leftist revolutionary movement) and leaded it until his assasination in 1974 by the DINA (the secret police chile had during pinochet's rule). He is known as a martyr of the anti-pinochet movement and of the politic left here at Chile because of his actions.
Now, that's OTL, what would happen with Enríquez during TNO, well, that is what im reimagining here, first of all, Enríquez wouldn't be an anti-american imperialism how was he in OTL, because the looks in TNO are against Nazi Germany and the Einheitspakt, also, the Cuban Revolution had a heavy impact in Enríquez way of perceiving things, and with Fidel Castro being pro-OFN, well, you have the picture.
One of the most interesting things that happened in OTL and how they will be diferent would be the Miguel Enríquez-Robert Kennedy dispute during a visit the American senator had at Chile in 1965, in OTL, Kennedy visited south america and ended up in Concepcion, having a meeting with universitary students at an Hotel, where Miguel Enríquez accused he, and the kennedys of having their hands full of blood, with kennedy responding "my hands are clean" and showing them, that ended up with Enríquez and his accompanions leaving. The principal topics were the USA invasion of Dominican Republic and the Cuban Blockade, Enriquez leaded this topics because of his relevance, and dominion in english, in the meeting Enríquez invited Kennedy to visit the "Pueblo Hundido", a literal shithole in Concepcion, that was according Enríquez the results of the north american policy and capitalism in the south american people, Kennedy responded that he was busy with his agenda, but invited Enríquez to visit the USA, cost-free, Enríquez declined.
In TNO, this would end up very diferently, Enríquez wouldn't abandon his marxism-leninism ideas, but would see the USA with different eyes, and would see Nazi Germany and the Einheitspakt as a menace. The meeting with Kennedy would mainly cover the South-african war, and the anti-nazism in the world, the conversation will be friendly, and would end up with them forming a good connection, and with the Kennedy invitation of Miguel Enríquez to the USA, cost-free, that Enríquez will accept.
In OTL, Enríquez had visits around the world, political themed, in countries like China, Perú, and Venezuela, in TNO this visits will happen (probably not in China) but also with the USA, that will enhance his pro-OFN ideas.
How will he be the leader of Chile?
In OTL, Enríquez had the idea of rising to power of an insurgent way, not by the pacific way of elections like Allende, in TNO, he wouldn't be a candidate for elections, but, could be the leader after a revolution against the government, of a theorically posible Augusto Pinochet pro-einheitspakt dictatorship. With Enríquez as a leader, this government will be pro-OFN, having a lot of parallelisms with Cuba.