Any point in complaining to post about lost package?
Had notification via the app that a package was coming Tuesday - just cheap junk from AliExpress. I'm at work but I know it's small and fits in mailbox.
08.30 I get an update - package delivered to the mailbox
11.30 I get an alert on my CCTV, post van, I see person deliver a letter
No package received.
No other people or vehicles in my driveway all day.
11 -- 12 is the normal time for the post to come so why/where was my package scanned as delivered at 08.30.
In your experience, much point in going to complain and show them the app / cctv ? I know I should in principle but it's a couple of hours out of my day to complain about a 10chf package that I'll get a refund on.