How can I stop PhotosPicker from dismissing its parent view after making a selection?

I have a split view where on the top you can crop and resize an image that you've selected

the bottom is a PhotosPicker using this code:
selection: $selectedItem,
maxSelectionCount: 1,
matching: .images,
photoLibrary: .shared()

If I set maxSelectionCount to 2 or larger, I can select multiple photos as expected but thats not what I want. I want to be able to select just a single photo, however, when I have that variable set to 1, PhotosPicker dismisses the parent view that I have it embedded in. I think they built that in so you wouldn't have to manually call it using PhotosPicker the typical way where it presents/closes itself.

Strangely, in preview, it doesn't cause the view to close, only when I test on my iPhone...

Any ideas what might be going on and how I can stop it from closing?