As a certified black viewer, stop acting like she’s was a reformed Ku Klux Klan bigot

I get holding people accountable, cool, but ya’ll are doing too much about this and it’s getting on my nerves. I’m black af and I get the power of the N - word, no one but us should use it - but we all did stupid things when we were young… especially at 13! Are yall kidding me?

Stop acting like she hung black people, was a Jim Crow advocate, has a pointy hood in her closet, used the Hard R, or even used the word in racist derogatory fashion.

She was a young stupid minor at the time that learned from her mistakes and, if you’ve watched them as long as I have, has always respected us how you should.

Ya’ll act like kids can’t grow up and change when they become ADULTS. If that video wasn’t leaked, YOU WOULDN’T EVEN KNOW SHE DID THAT. WHY? CAUSE ITS IRRELEVANT TO WHO SHE IS NOW.

I feel like I have to repeat this one more time for the people in the back… SHE WAS A CHILD. She gets a level of grace for saying a bad word out of carelessness and jokes that she’s buried and completely changed from now. Heck I’ve said a racist word once not knowing the gravity of what it was when I first learned them too.

Ya’ll need to put this energy around the real racist people out there cause I got suggestions if you need someone to redirect this energy too. I swear it’s only on here where ya’ll do too much, the YT comments aren’t even like this.