OP in r/mademesmile just got married, after having met his wife just one year ago at 18 years old. Commenters certainly aren't smiling, and instead opt to rip him (and those who share his sentiments) to shreds in the comment section.
All bold links are made by OP.
Also I find the username "DistrustTheGov" pretty funny on its own.
edit: this drama is also currently developing, as the main post only went up 2 hours ago as of this post, so expect more comments to be added to these threads as time goes on.
We've been working through premarital counseling through our church and it's been an amazing resource ❤️ (119 comments)
a gentleman never tells (46 comments)
You seem like a nice guy, I can only hope she is good to you, can’t trust women these days. (44 comments)