A mod for Spider-Man Remastered that replaces Pride flags with American flags is removed from Nexusmods. Kotaku in Action have strong feelings about this, and multiple fights ensue.


"The flag is propaganda.

It may not have been years ago but it certainly is now.


You genuinely can't think this isn't homophobic unless you're homophobic.

If you feel the need to remove every passive reference to a group with a mod, you clearly don't like that group.

Nexus made the right call on this one.


Not sure who the bigger snowflake is, those who took it down or the mod creator


An optional mod in a single player game offending people because Twitter told them to be


These area the people who claim to be "patriots" against "insurrection" while trying to burn cops alive, set fire to government buildings, and burn the US flag.


Claims to be on the right side of history. Censors everything they dont agree with.

Pick one.

This thread is about a mod that allows you to remove content from a video-game you don't agree with.


Sorry - can someone clarify: the original game has Pride flags, and this mod removes them?

Isn't this sub anti-censorship? I get that you don't like that the mod is deleted but you should all hate the idea of the mod in that it censors authorial intent. I can imagine a thread titled "awful woke mod of Spider-Man replaces American flags with Pride flags" being massively upvoted on here. And yet you defend the opposite?


Hmm, let me upload an anti-gay mod to a platform which explicitly prohibits such content and then cry oppression when it's banned.


Did you miss the part where they made it publicly available and also that it's being gleefully shared in this very thread? Clearly, many people on the Right are happy to be little snowflakes that take away things from media they are offended by.

EDIT: this is also really rich since so many widely-mocked examples of "woke" people being offended is really just one person on Twitter.


Not sure who the bigger snowflake is, those who took it down or the mod creator
