Still feeling off after a severely stressful week?

I was feeling great for a long time and stress was manageable. Exercise, appetite, sleep were all well-regulated. Last week for about 9 straight days I underwent a SEVERELY stressful period of almost breaking up with my partner of 6 years.

I couldn’t eat, workout, or do much of anything other than walk and stare at the ceiling for like a week straight. I did eat some, but it was fresh different than my usual foods and routine.

After a more healing weekend I started coming down a little bit, and was expecting to go back to normal this week. However my body feels like it got hit by a truck, my appetite is all off, and my energy and recovery for workouts is TERRIBLE despite sleeping fine and getting somewhat back to my normal routine.

Am I still coming down from last week? Or is something else wrong? I’m concerned as this is unusual for me but I still feel pretty awful.