If the devs randomly came back to Battlefront 2 and said they were going to make a year's worth of content and then leave the game forever, what content would you want?
As someone who prefers trooper combat, I would absolutely love a much wider weapon selection and a bunch of new star cards. It would be sick if the gun customisation system was more fleshed out (COD gunsmith but on a smaller level) and adding more skins.
As far as maps go, I already like the selection in BF2 currently, but the old BF1 maps would be fun in offline arcade, and for new maps, Coruscant, Jedha, Utapau, Mygeeto would be amazing additions.
For heroes, if I could pick 10 new heroes for the light and dark side, my picks would be:
LIGHT SIDE: Ashoka, Captain Rex, Mandalorian, Commander Cody, Padme Amidala, Mace Windu, Jyn Erso, Nien Nunb, Kit Fisto, (Aayla Secura, Plo Koon, Cal Kestis and Galen Marek would all be fire options for hero #10)
DARK SIDE: Ventress, Cad Bane, Moff Gideon, Durge, Jango Fett, Pre Viszla, Krennic, Dengar, Savage Opress, Starkiller
Reinforcements would be expansions to units like droideka sniper and aqua droids, just special units we see in the TV shows/movies.
I would spend unhealthy amounts of money to see this game with active updates.