The genshinification of HSR

Hello I have never posted here before but I am a long time lurker.

I will try to keep this as short and concise as possible, The genshinification of HSR is probably a term u have heard if u are in any way involved in the gacha community.

I am posting this to ask if the people here believe that statement, imo yes this statement has some truth to it if u check my post history u will see that I have been voicing my displeasure with hoyo and how they have been developing genshin with lazy updates , not listening to the community and so on , i have been playing hsr since 1.0 and it for me was an escape form the bs that genshin is rn.

I am posting this to gauge the opinions of others ofc I am expecting some hoyo shills to say that there is nothing wrong and to protect the BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY but please if u can don't believe the mfs bc they are the reason genshin is going to shit rn

That's all thanks for reading and I hope to see ur opinions