The final attempt at analyzing my functions and traits - one last typing attempt needed (MEGA detailed)
Fi - Morality is important to me. Standing up to injustice and protecting others from cruelty are some of my earliest memories. However... I must admit I easily tire out from being subjected to moral scrutiny myself and and I would never spend my day-to-day life monitoring morality or ideology, I would die of boredom despite morality, ethics being incredibly important to me. I am good at evaluating moral repercussions of others actions but I must admit that I tire out quickly from attempting to live according to morals in daily life. I don't mind following basic morality rules and I especially value just laws but I can't be an arbiter of them myself as I feel like I need more of 'freedom to be mistaken' to be happy and this includes the freedom to sometimes act rude or selfish or slightly immoral for convenience and ease. (but never for fun since I derive no pleasure from rebellion and I am not rebellious by nature but definitely freedom-loving and slightly strange.)
Ne- I have been typed as someone with Ne Polr often but I am starting to doubt this placement. The truth is that I have clinical OCD in severe forms (actually recovering from an episode right now) and it may manifest like Polr Ne. But do I really have trouble with various potentials of situation? No. Neither do I hate discussing conflicting viewpoints. In LOGIC, that is. In combination with logic, my Ne seems to work in moderation but just fine. But I have an intense fear of possibilities in relationships which can be explained by social anxiety that I have. If we forget social anxiety, some unease about the future remains but isn't it more Ni? About Ni, read lower.
Ni - I am GOOD at making predictions. I don't want to brag but I haven't seen a single person better than me at predicting how situation would develop, whether historically or between people, I am capable to base my predictions on nothing whatsoever but very vague hints and still be correct.
Unfortunately, Ni in socionics is also related to the feel of time which...I indeed have zero of. No kind of time-related trauma here, I really, honestly, naturally ignore the flow of time and have a naturally bad sense of timing. It's one of those things I can't explain, the closest thing to 'pure' or 'inborn' trait. On the other hand, I should probably explain what I mean by 'bad sense of timing' in case it's actually good and I don't know, lol. (It happens, the demon of definitions!!!)
To me, time is 'physical', I am good at observing the rotation of Earth around its axis and to me, it's basically infinite as long as Earth exists or as long as I live. When I hurry, I hurry because I feel like I am too Ill to accomplish something before (another health incident) so I do something in a rush. There are no 'time markers' in my mind. It is always difficult for me to describe my 'life path' in job interviews because I am not a time period in a form of a person - I am a tool, a weapon, an object - something made for action in the present.
Like a machine, it's constantly upgraded. There is no 'story' to it. There are 'accomplishments' which I measure in 'achieved'/'not achieved', there are no 'useful experiences' or intermediate states - I either won or I failed in my mind. Obviously, HR people don't really like that, haha. I am, in a way, preoccupied with the future - my ability to create things in it but I don't think in terms of 'time', I think in terms of 'will I be able to? Do I have the resources that can make it happen?'.
Te- I have an interesting relationship with Te. I am something between 'a complete genius of Te' and 'a complete Te idiot'. The truth is, solving day-to-day problems in my job and hobbies makes me feel good and it's very easy for me but I am very bad at improving things PROACTIVELY.
I often don't know what aspects need updating/improving or find improvements unnecessary because improvements are often seen as stalling by me unfortunately and I like just blasting through at full speed carelessly. So I am good at reacting to arising problems and I feel like I even like following orders (the clearer the better) but I hate 'engineering' solutions, it makes me feel bored and like I am stalling. If the process of finding solutions drags on for too long, I may become absent-minded and just forget about the problem entirely which enrages more careful people. But I often blame them back for not being practical, quick and efficient with solutions first.
I am of the opinion that small results today are better than great results someday (usually never) most of the time. I like working on long projects actually but I always make sure my progress is clear to me and I get clear results otherwise I lose interest. Unfortunately in my (creative) field there are many nitpickers who like to write dissertations about every little mistake but the more time I dedicate to a problem, the worse it is for me. I need to solve it quickly or my enthusiasm drops.
I like quick work a lot and I am proud of my ability as an artist to just sit down and deliver a good drawing without any preparation at all. The people who value effort and care usually look down on my abilities considering more 'laborous' work more impressive, but I don't care because that's what makes me feel best regardless.
As for Te being 'business logic'... I have a moderate business abilities, finding myself mostly okay with working in this sphere. The thing is, I am not really money-greedy. When I seek efficiency, it's usually just for the ease of living and simply delivering results and doing my job well. I must admit I don't really think about money that much and I don't need a lot of money to be happy.
Se - I can see a lot of Se in myself, it's true. While probably not as aggressive as Se Doms, I certainly resist attempts to influence me, I can be obstinate, aggressive, forceful, invasive, dominant and I like to freely exercise my will even though I dislike conflicts.
I feel like I was weaker in my childhood, my Se being suppressed by my environment but my natural state is being fairly aggressive (non-malevolently) and full of joy of life. Even though I can have periods of depression where I become more subdued or melancholic or desperate or fearful, and I certainly can be all of these, when I return to normal, Se also returns. It's not even necessarily for me to have it in my ego, who knows, but its position is definitely not weak. (If I understand correctly, which I may not be, of course)
Si - Now that's difficult. I don't pay much attention to this sphere of life. I don't make much of an effort in Si area but often react sharply to its absence. I hate cooking, cleaning and caring for myself. However, I am good at following Si routines invented by someone else. I wouldn't say that I am disruptive of Si. I am just bad at creating it myself but will follow the baseline of it that someone else enforced, as I said.
If you will tell me 'On Thursdays we cook fish soup' and give me necessary products for it on the same day month after month, I will start cooking the soup (badly) after some time. If you will stop giving me instructions and products, I will stop. (And I may even miss the soup).
Just for the record: I don't like fish much and that's what I am trying to say: to me routine often dominates the search of pleasant sensations. I like tasty food, of course but to me it's more about familiarity than entertaining myself with various tastes. So, my Si needs are: baseline cleanliness/comfort without which life seems too chaotic but I'd rather someone else do it.
I also DON'T think my dual is a Si type because Si types are usually put off by my forceful nature and I don't need too much pampering. I just need things to make sense in Si sphere. I am one of those people for whom their partner cooking for them does nothing at all. In fact, it irritates me that my partner thinks they're my servant or caretaker. I want to give my partner the freedom to be themselves at all times so I'd rather eat takeout every day than burden them with being a maid/butler to me which is opposite of everything I stand for as a person.
In my opinion being an immature leech who parasitizes on kindness of others is incredibly gross. I must admit, due to my bad SI, I have been told that I 'parasitize' because I accepted the help I was given but, in my opinion, it's different because I never demanded help and simply used what was already in front of me and what people already did rather than forcing or manipulating someone into doing something for me. This also happened either in teenage years or when I was physically or mentally ill. Who knows, though, of course. In any case, I DON'T like people who want others to service them.
Fe- I've been told that I am overly expressive but, to be honest, apart of love of sayings/witticisms/adjectives/philosophizing I wouldn't say I am too expressive. Yes, those stoic 'yes/no' people can sometimes see me as unnecessarily verbose or overemotional but I don't know whether I am indeed overemotional or not. I can express feelings easily but my expression dominates actual feeling. In a way, I demonstrate more of a feeling than I have. With actual feelings, I am often helpless and desperate. It should also be noted that both socionics/MBTI generally don't know what to do with creative/humanitarian Thinkers and science-minded Feelers.
As someone who is creative but stands out among fellow creatives as someone slightly towards more thinking, I find it sad. My speech is devoid of exclamations, I rarely say 'Oh! Wow! Hurray! How so..???!!!' and my face doesn't have many varied expressions, it actually stays the same most of the time or changes are very subtle despite my fiery words. So, when I say I am 'expressive', I don't mean 'Hurray! Cowabunga! Hee hee!', I mean: I am often overly elaborate and exact with what I say, trying to express my emotions clearly and beautifully despite not feeling them too much (!!!???).
I often say 'until I heard this song, I didn't know this emotion existed'. My inner emotional apparatus is highly reactive and can produce unexpected emotions in reaction to various stimuli but it doesn't have an emotional life on its own.
In absence of emotional stimuli I am capable of thriving just as much as with them (in fact, too many emotions derail me so I try to use them as a dangerous drug - in small doses).
I find it entertaining to see emotions of others that are not related to me, I find it fulfilling. I am NOT one of those prudes who shake their head at couples making out in public - I can appreciate the sight beyond lust or envy or disgust, just like a curious picture.
While I absolutely abhor scenes of discrimination, cruelty and so on, 'normal' even if imperfect scenes, evoke no disgust in me. I am patient with most faults, as long as they don't harm my well-being.
Today I walked through the city and saw many funny scenes involving people of various ages and while I don't find myself similar to them, I like seeing the scenes of their life, they heal me, in a way. So - I really like emotions even though my own sometimes make me feel hopeless. That's why I like art - by diving into others' emotions and divorcing them from myself completely, I can finally see them clearly and with non-feverish, non-obsessive mind.
I don't even mind 'prescriptiveness' in emotions, I don't mind morality tales which annoy more rebellious people, for example, I've always loved Pinocchio because it's a fun satire and also an entertaining story about a plot where naive boys seek utopia just to be sold into slavery; as I child, even being a girl, I loved it, associated myself with Pinocchio completely despite being nothing like him (not rebellious at all) and accepted the story's message as good and wise. I knew that being 100% moral is impossible but I still found the story 'right'.
I was surprised to find out most people in my circle hated it, considered it 'too conservative' and 'in need of retelling' which made me laugh.
Even if I don't agree with the author 100%, I still think he was right and that shows my receptive attitude to both emotions (Fe) and morality (Fi) compared to others people who are too prudish or squeamish (distaste for Fe) or overly rebellious (distaste for Fi).
(Forgive me for returning to Fi here for a second, I am aware but this detail is important) In the end, I think I am very receptive to Fi being shown through Fe but I am very hostile to Fi being shown through rules, nitpicking. To me, the truth (ethics) exists but it's 'in progress' rather than 'ideal' and I consider the search for perfection pointless, both systematic or anti-systematic (revolutionary) kind.
Ti - It's difficult to say how good I am at Ti. I am fairly good at analysis, my logic is sound most of the time but my inability/lack of desire to dig deep into subjects makes me think it's probably weaker than I think. I absolutely loathe 'rabbit holes' of information without any result or resolution, they make me want to pull my hair out. (Although that just may be my Se..) I would make a terrible scientist due to my lack of attention to detail, impulsiveness, love of quick results, brashness, lack of curiosity towards novelties and appreciation of effortless, at times careless, action. I would make a good tester/troubleshooter of their inventions, that's for sure, but don't expect me to read tomes of information just to progress somewhere. In terms of logic, I prefer simplicity and common sense. I often mentally 'test' my solution from various angles to see if it's bulletproof for various situations. (Man, what if my Ne is not so bad after all? Or is it just my OCD speaking again? Anyway...) It's a bit like testing combinations in chess, apart from not thinking quite as ahead as chess demands, but being more tactical. I like destroying problems in one fell swoop... It's not Ti, right..?? It's probably Se or something else. So where the hell is my Ti? What is it? I don't know. You decide.
Prime candidates for weak positions: Ne, Ti, Si Prime candidates for strong positions: Fi, Se, perhaps Te or Ti? Neither: Fe
I get along with people who are: principled but easy-going, always the same, expressive, charismatic, slightly arrogant, generally upbeat, perhaps slightly invasive/too involved, loyal, witty, flexible without being spineless, brave, sentimental, forgiving of faults, lovers of the sensual without being voracious or parasitical, strong personalities, defenders of their friends, generally people who love other people/their friends, people who remember their loved ones to the end (beyond death), people who like art/culture, generous with emotions good and bad, entertaining, educational, ambitious without being pushy, people who aim high in a spiritual sense, compassionate without sugariness, sometimes plotters and sly people who make life entertaining, people who can be difficult sometimes (again, makes it fun).
I don't get along with people who are: lukewarm, insensitive, unpredictable, parasitical, immature, overly greedy or lustful, spineless, easily influenced or overly changeable, disloyal people, overly self-absorbed people, people who want excessive care, cruel people, people who flaunt how inhumane or unique they are (I like humanity), overly squeamish or prudish people, overly fragile people, people who lack self-awareness, nitpickers, critics, stallers, by-the-bookers, overly strange people, people who are too stoic/inexpressive/uninvolved/unemotional, overly judgemental people, petty people who cause conflicts because of minor things, envious or passive people, people who follow the crowd too much.