I wonder if TGC realizes that the reason why players CR everyday regardless of how much they make CR-ing more difficult is cause of the abysmal candle prices.

I have bought in app purchases before (just not in Sky, a single IAP in here can feed me in a week in my country) so I have never been against buying things for games. But man five dollars for fifteen candles? I can earn forty candles in two days, who in their right mind would willingly spend real world money for that amount of in game currency?

And this is where TGC fails with their philosophy. In every MMO, MOBA, Online Game etc. I've played in, the IAPs were reasonable and hell, even balanced. If another company handled sky, 15 candles would be at least $0.50 or $1. And guess what? If candle prices were like that, they would earn more money.

Imagine if the prices were lower. Do you have any idea how many people would willing buy candles if that's the case? Imagine if people could buy 30 candles for five dollars and lower, 150 candles for 20 dollars or lower, people would be swarming. Candle running and AFK farming won't be so rampant, and god FOMO won't be so awful in this game.

Imagine if their system provided more purchase options. Hell, imagine if they sold ascended candles too. TGC would be richer by the minute if the prices were reasonable because literally the only reason why CR-ing is so rampant is cause the prices are abysmal.

But hey just my two cents. I just think it's stupid to apply so many anti AFK farming and make CR-ing more difficult while there isn't any other reasonable option.