Bae Jiyeon

I'm trying to understand what she is after. If she genuinely wants TeHwan to see how he likes other girls that admirable. But otherwise, she could just say she doesn't like him or that she has other guys she is interested in.

This also opens up other questions like "Who else is on Jiyeon's mind?". I honestly don't see her showing interest in any of the other guys and if she is after someone, she hasn't done a good job of it and has to be quick. Also, which other guy has shown interest in her?

All this seems so late and just doesn't makes sense as to why she would put her own chances in jeopardy.

Imagine TeHwan takes some other girl like Hyejin or Minseol to paradise next because of this....I'm sorry and I'll be dinged for this but those two are just way more prettier and personable than Jiyeon. Jiyeon will probably regret it and lament this advice she is giving TeHwan.

My interpretation could be wrong but this is how I see it.