Watching section 31 right now

Never posted here I don't think, but follow the community and love it and I'm a life long trek fan. God knows how many times I've seen pretty much every episode of every series!

Ok, so, it's not a terrible movie. It's a mid tier action sci-fi action flick.

I have 3 thoughts I need to get off my chest:

1: It doesn't need to be associated with ST 2: it's basically an attempt to get new, young viewers into ST and try to build a kid of Marvel Universe going forward 3: WHY THE HELL DOES THE LITTLE ALIEN IN THE ROBOT VULCAN BODY HAVE AN IRISH ACCENT?!?!

Edit: so I've just finished. It got worse. I will downgrade my mid-tier comment to low tier. Other than that, I think all my points stand. Even the ending obviously suggests that they want to make more.

Point 2. Why is nobody as annoyed about my original point 3? 😂

Edit 2: going to go watch a packed episode of LD to make me feel better