Hello all, would like advice and thoughts

I am new to shard, but am loving what I have seen so far. I play 5e legacy (2014) in 2 games and run 1.
I haven't used shard to play or DM yet, as I am tinkering and exploring it. I have taken advantage of the free 3 months adventurer subscription, which looks perfect for my needs if I use it going forward.

I run my game off of a Chromebook l, currently using notion as a campaign manager, and old school vinyl battle mat for encounters dungeons etc.

As a DM I give my players far to much choice and so I have loved the ability to add races and subclasses, feats and spells with relative ease. But similarly I can use this to help with my own characters in the games I play.

My campaign is premade, on pdfs from drivethru. It has a digital map pack and handouts. Obviously the maps and handouts are jpegs pngs etc and no problem at all to upload thus far. The pdfs are an age old issue for conversion, and I haven't found a satisfactory solution to that and so I either print them, or use them as is on the Chromebook or notion.

Going forward I have dreams of using an overhead mini projector for the battle map, the second screen and sound optiona would possibly make this amazing, and given the way shard handles fog of war it is very similar to players waiting whilst I draw it.

I am very much still learning, and tinkering. But before I lose weeks to this, can others give me their experience and let me know if pitfalls and barriers I may face in the path ahead, before I start researching cheap projectors stands and cables etc.

Many many thanks for what looks and feels a genuine passion project of a VTT