Micro-factories - How to handle logistics?

Hi all, I have been thinking of going as small as possible with my factories this run, but I am burning out with the logistics and would like to know your opinion on this.

Idea: Each micro factory produces exactly 1 part as efficient as the input allows. If every part is efficient, everything is efficient. That means that I would have 100+ factories for all items. Each with its own architecture, etc... so far so good.

Problem: I thought of having a central haven for all items as we need and "interface" between all micro-factories. Each micro factory deliver its output to the haven and it picks dependencies for it also. Logistics needs to be also modular to adapt to the input requirements of more advanced item factories. Therefore we might have multiple i.e. Iron Plates factories if we need more for other parts. Having a central haven to make it possible to expand as needed. But how to handle the logistics between the micro-factories and the central haven?

Thought of using trains, but it is way to expensive and space demanding to have a train station per micro factory, and don't want to run belts running all across the map. I thought of having a main belt going into the haven and sort the items there with smart splitter, but the high number stack items (Quickwire, wire,screws..) simply take all the throughput. My solution is to use trucks. Dealling with stacks is better then dealing with numbers. 1 truck, 1 trip. Either from micro factory to central haven (output) or from central haven to micro factory (input). It would also balance the space automatically and we can increase the throughput by using multiple trucks for the same route.

I am currently implementing this, but already after the 6 micro factory I am burnt-out, as 70% of the work is logistics: Truck Highway expansion, truck pathing, haven central storage for that item, etc...

Do you guys have a better idea how to solve this? Are micro-factories even possible without burning-out?