Sensory seeking 3 year old - any advice?
My 3 yo doesn’t have a diagnosis yet but he craves sensory stimulation: runs non stop, screeches, has been throwing plates all of a sudden just to see things break! The energy is unreal, but it’s not just a raw energy. He likes to dig his face into mine hard so the beard scratches him, makes us tickle him non stop. He also threw his toy car off a bridge and another one into the sewage this week alone. He just walked up to me with a rock in mouth. Things you would never expect!!
We’re getting a diagnosis in a few months and doing OT and speech therapy in the meantime.
Do any parents have experience with this at this age? How did you cope, and what ultimately helped your kids? Any experience with picky eating?
I’m so worried about him. He starts preschool soon and even though he’s interested in other people (loves to say hi and bye and laugh at anything possible) he definitely doesn’t know how to play with other kids yet and we haven’t been able to get him too engaged with other kids.