Some success (T2)

I have had papules and pustules for 12 years along with really sore, tight redness which was making me very self conscious and pretty down.

After at least five visits to doctors in the UK I had tried prescribed metrogel, prescription azalaic acid and a range of massively expensive OTC creams.

After reading this sub I finally used an online pharmacy to try:

  • Doxycycline 100mg per day for 6mo
  • Soolantra for evening application
  • prescription strength Azalaic 15% for mornings

Cut out all other products on my face except a simple moisturiser and a cleanser in the evening only.

After about 3 months there was a decent improvement. After finishing the doxy my skin was the clearest it’s been in years. I was very nervous about going off the doxy but my skin has actually been better since stopping it and maintaining the two topicals morning and evening. I also cut sugar at the same time as stopping the doxy so I am not sure what effect that’s had (I used to eat a lot of sugar!!)

Photos are chronological ending with today!

I just wanted to thank everyone for posting here keeping me going for the full time, and I also wanted to say that it really can get significantly better 💪💪💪