Let's stop downvoting in this sub (specifically, downvoting when there's less than 1 upvote)

We are a small community and all downvoting does is discourage people from interacting, sharing their opinions, and posting. Karma of course doesn't really matter, but its no secret that for most people its not a good feeling to check your phone and seeing your honest thoughts have a -2 next to it, simply because others don't agree. It's something that I shrug off but it is infuriating for some. It's the same with snarkiness and rudeness, its just unnecessary at some point. The goal is to have more people playing and more people happily joining and STAYING in the community. We are all alike in that we share the same interest in this niche pocket in time and that in itself is a celebration.

Yes, sometimes folk be LOUD AND WRONG lol, especially in fighting game spaces. And some people be dooming the game, unintentionally working against the community. So if someone posts something you disagree with or dislike, and you don't have the desire to comment yourself, instead upvote the respectful comments responding to them. If something is truly that misinformed, the like ratio will always speak for itself. If someone is being rude, hateful or disrespectful tho, then yeah hit them with that HAMMER!!