The recent lox nerfs feel bad

Been playing some lox, and I think the recent changes to him make him feel worse to play more than it balances the character. I don't think the character is bad, but the recent changes make a bigger impact in fun than actually changing his viability.

I think there's 2 main groups nerfs that feel frustrating together:

Lava pools can now be extinguished by opponents during the 60 frame window before they become active.

Loxodont will now extinguish lava pools if he is in hitstun or knockdown when touching them.

These two changes make it more difficult for loxodont to get charges. This doesn't really affect him when he's throwing meatballs in neutral, but it's more when he's fighting close game neutral for space.

One of the distinguishing factors about loxodont is that he can afford to play more risky because he could still gain lava charges in losing exchanges. Now not only does this not happen, but you it's been made so that you literally can't get charges while they are close. The patch notes mention there's counterplay by staying the on lava as well, but it's not really a viable option to stay in grounded in one place so close to your opponent. Sacrificing options like short hop aerial and dashing away feel bad to just get a lava charge.

I feel like taken individually they are not that bad, but together it makes me feel the only way to get charges is the setup during advantage (IE knocking them off the stage) or running away to setup lava. I wish they would either revert one of these changes or have lava activate sooner on the ground so it you don't have to camp for a whole second while you wait and try to box your opponent out.

Loxodont will now lose all molten charge if Down Special is interrupted.

On top of lava charges being harder to get, now they are easier to lose and worse to use. While I kind of understand that you don't want Lox to spam down b in hopes that it comes out after being hit, I think this change makes lava charges feel that much worse. Down b has 8 frames, losing all your charges in the first few feels super bad.

I wish we could reverse this change or have the molten charge loss start on frame 4ish so it doesn't feel so bad to have barely any animation and lose all your charges.


TLDR: recent combination of nerfs in lava charges feels less fun and forces me to camp more.