Super happy with this

Kyewords I decided to focus on and pick from for now to see where I land: hiding and showing, mysterie, enveloping, elemental, sensual, flow

Style logic was: what do I feel and want to feel today? how does that translate into cloths? Does that work for todays outside plans/ how will that land with others any can I handel that?

Many are checked for me in this outfit and I am super happy with it. I felt great wearing it, even though being 7m pregnant is not fun for me at all 😅
It was quit a bit up for just a shoping day at the crafts store with my mum and toddler so I think LU is truely a botter fit for me than LD. I realy liked the blue eyeliner and snake statment earings. Plus my hair looked great with out me having to style it cuz I had it in bun overnight. I hate spending too much time on my hair and it is super straight by nature. And I got the BEST compliment I could ever get: When I got some lunch at the local bakery, I saw someone wearing bright pink wideleg pants and a pink blous out of the corner of my eye. I thought oh thats cool! I realy apriciate bright, bold color combinations, all though I never wear them for myself at the moment. When I turned around I realised it was a Lady in her 60 ies in the line behinde me, looking at me with a big smile on her face and apriciatively looking me up and down. I smiled back and tbh, if stylish older ladyies think my outfit looks cool, thats the BEST THING EVER TO ME 🥰