Rengar is so unplayable rn it's crazy
So I main him for 3 years now and it is more depressing than ever. For the first time i struggle with him with negative wr (d1/master) and I fell like there is not much to do about it. He is just very bad. If you think about it every assasin in the game has ethier nice AOE dmg or a smooth way to escape after oneshotting. Of course rengar has nethier of those unless you are super fed and can use empovered W ms as the last part of the combo. And in this meta where people group much more often for objectives his kit just doesn't cut it anymore. Not to mention one mistake can cause this champ being completely out of the game. He loses 1v1 to most of the meta junglers, he loses to ninja tabi (as always because his dmg is so AA related), he falls of in teamfights and late game. The only good thing left is his split push power but with so many objectives to take it is not optimal so often. I feel like his carry window is literally between 15-30minutes so if the tempo of the game doesn't fit those timers there is not really much to do. Lately I switched to kha zix, basically first timing him but I already fell omega broken by not being molested by upgraded tabis. I know scrubnoob still can make him work. But if it takes to be the best player on the champion for the champion to be viable then we have a problem no?