My[26M] gf[26F] is selecting me based on chits.

So me and my gf broke up in the past and then some shit happened and then this and that. Last 4 months we were together and I made up for the things that were wrong in me. I genuinely corrected things in me and now I was asking what we want to do next and then she told I donno. There is a lot of pressure from my house and we discussed the entire day what to do, and stuff. She is not sure about me. I have made up for all the things I used to lack before. I have helped in cooking, cleaning room, being more responsible for my actions. I have been much more supportive than before. All this in the past lead to breakup and 4 months or so, I am very mindful cuz I genuinely wanted to improve as a person.

Now in the end she told me she is sure. I asked her how did you decide? She told I picked chits 5 times with stay and leave on it. And she sees this as an indication of god. I donno what to say. I totally believe that before opening the chit you know what you want it to be and that is your answer. But in my case she opened the chits 5 times and then selected me. I now just feel as an option on a piece of paper, that has probability of 1/2. I told in a calm way that the voice in your head before you pick the chit is the one that you want. That is sort of the calm or god's voice. Not the outcome. She now is telling me that I am jusing here and do not respect her beliefs. I told here that this is just superstition.

I donno I should stay or leave.