300+ hours in and here's how I feel

The game is fun. Especially with good friends you can coordinate with. But there are a number of issues that keep this game from what it could be. Overall this feels like an S tier "Alpha" that is still working towards a polished 1.0 game and I want the best for it. Here are my main issues:

-The most obvious one is the suspect ai. Most of the time they stand idle around the map and feel lifeless. They also have animations that bug out causing them to be unarrestable.

-Civilians and suspects have no animations for opening doors. When they start running around some magical power automatically opens doors for them and it looks very silly.

-guns/knives frequently falling through objects or the floor. the only work around this is getting your AI teammates to walk over the area of where the weapon is in hopes they can grab it.

-Swat ai simply put, while functional, has a number of issues from not being able to go through certain doors on many levels, No existence of preserving their own life let alone failing to pick up many guns when suspects give up or are killed. (they often pick up one gun but leave the handgun) Room clearing tactics is downright bad and not to mention, they hardly work correctly on many modded maps. Default accuracy is bad at long ranges and over extension is still an issue.

-"Search and secure" order still has issues. This is supposed to be the solution for finding those last pesky civilians or suspects hiding around but often the team bugs out and gets stuck while trying to find everything.

- performance issues which is hard to believe its still an issue at this stage. While it is reasonable to play there are parts of certain maps that dip my frames down into the 30s or 20s which is unacceptable when im running an RTX 4090 with 32g of ram

-The subtitles are still cracked out with the wrong spellings and phrases. I cannot believe this is something still not fixed.