Ranked on console is dead dominated by xim users

Just came back to play siege, and hop on a group with unknown guys and all of them were high elo searching for coppers to get easy lobbies, and that some moment someone said “this guy isn’t good, doesn’t have XIM” at that moment i realized all of them were using, how the game get to the point that you need to cheat to be considered good, how ubisoft don’t care? Ubisoft don’t ever bother to ban them how is that possible?

Just came back to play siege, and hop on a group with unknown guys and all of them were high elo searching for coppers to get easy lobbies, and that some moment someone said “this guy isn’t good, doesn’t have XIM” at that moment i realized all of them were using, how the game get to the point that you need to cheat to be considered good, how ubisoft don’t care? Ubisoft don’t ever bother to ban them how is that possible?