I think Adam Taurus is an interesting character
You know, I would have liked that Adam had Sienna Khan as a role model. That he even saw a mother in her.
I like to imagine Adam (Along Ilia) being part of a generation of child soldiers who were indoctrinated by Sienna. Those child soldiers would be the generation that would end up supporting him in his plans. In those child soldiers would also be Blake, Trifa, and Yuma.
While I would have liked Adam to respect Sienna, to add more complexity to his character, I understand why the writers have him kill her. Among those reasons is also the fact that it shows how the ideology of the radical White Fang is self-destructive. While Ghira and Blake were able to reconcile, Adam ends up killing Sienna. The one Sienna supported, ended up being her murderer.
Although yes. Look, I get it, it makes sense that Adam would kill Sienna that way, Adam is a coward.
But wouldn't it be more epic if Adam challenged Sienna to a fight for the White Fang? I mean, instead of having the White Fang turn on Sienna like a bunch of sheep.
Why not have Adam need to prove himself worthy of the throne through a duel? Adam isn’t honorable, but he could fake it, all to gain the White Fang’s favor.
That way, even if people find out he killed Sienna through a leak in information (A traitor in the White Fang, for example), the faunus would support him.
Or at least, that’s what Adam would be thinking.
Imagine it like when Darth Maul challenged Pre Vizsla to a fight. Well, I imagine something like that. It could be dramatic, epic, it would use Sienna more before her death. It would make Sienna seem like a cooler character capable of fighting Adam even if she ends up losing. (I mean, Pre Vizsla ended up losing, but we all recognize that he was a pro for giving a fight to a Sith Lord.)
There would be no need to change Adam's characterization. He would not be fighting for honor, he would simply be doing it for convenience and trying to pretend that he is honorable.