Day 8 without my plastic bestie
Last Saturday I got a call from the doc with some abnormal labs. I put my vape down during that phone call and haven't touched it since.
I LOVE my vape. I have been vaping since 2015. I smoked cigarettes heavily 15 plus years before that. My vape is never out of reach and, as embarrassing as it is, I even crocheted a vape necklace for myself so it was typically around my neck. I'm also vaping more lately due to quite a bit of life stress all hitting at once. So it definitely wasnt an ideal time to add another stressor.
I typically buy my vapes a month's worth at a time. I still have 3 unopened vapes and 3 open ones sitting around the house and in the car. As bad as my cravings have been, I have not once thought about picking one up. My mind is genuinely made up. I refuse to allow this toxic BFF to cause me to have to be on medication that is equally as toxic.
Quitting a habit is hard. We talk about how tough withdrawals are and that we "just can't do it." Well, we can. The problem is we are entitled brats who don't think we deserve to be uncomfortable. At least that is the case for me.
I've worked hard in life and now I'm successful with a cushy job and I feel entitled to do the things that make me happy and avoid discomfort. Im of the mindset that I've suffered through so much in life and now that I'm "settled" I get to do what I want. I don't like to be too hot or too cold, I like to enjoy good quality food, I basically do not like any discomfort and love pleasure. Well I'm a brat and I need to get over myself. Life is uncomfortable sometimes. The discomfort actually makes the comfort feel better.
Accepting the discomfort has helped me get through this week. Does it suck? Yep! Is it intolerable? Nope (even though it can briefly feel that way). Can we all do this? Absolutely.
Tldr: I am an entitled brat who didn't want to go through the discomfort of quitting. Im 8 days in and am embracing the discomfort. If I can do it, you absolutely can too!