A look at my brother's Christmas list...
Can anyone here tell me where he might be getting the prompts to purchase these books? He obviously thinks the end is nigh. I'm looking for what influencer is potentially directing him this way and what I might be able to do to reach him. Previously he had my parents watch 2,000 Mules, and is well on his way to radicalizing them. They now believe the election was stolen. I live out of state, but need to try and counteract this in any way that I can. Any help from those of you here?
- Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival
- Capitalist Manifesto
- DIY Survival projects
- Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide to Over 200 Natural Foods
- Herbal Medic: A Green Beret's Guide to Emergency Medical Preparedness and Natural First Aid
- Medical Medium Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes: For Neurological, Autoimmune & Mental Health
- The Prepper's Water Survival Guide: The Ultimate Guide to Find, Collect, Purify, Filter, and Stockpile Water for Self-Sufficient Living Off-the-Grid and Prepare for the Worst of Catastrophes