Advice on coping with elderly parents' descent into this madness?
Reading through these posts is humbling and harrowing. To all those dealing with Q-situations that are isolating, destructive, even potentially or actually violent towards you or your loved ones, my heart sincerely goes out to you.
I don't have it quite so bad as that, but if anyone has advice or tips specifically on dealing with elderly Q-family that you are NOT willing to cut out of your life, I'm all ears and very appreciative.
My parents are a thousand miles away. They're 80+ and in failing health, and, at this point, so far gone (in the paranoid delusional Q-spiracy sense) that I know they're never coming back. If we were twenty years younger, I'd probably try to appeal to reason or empathy or to any of the religious virtues they tried so hard to instill in me. But, at this point, I don't think they possess the cognitive capacity to engage in a meaningful way about any of this.
So I suck it up and pretend to be completely disinterested in politics. Keep to the high road. Let my mom vent and do my best to ignore or deflect and just get through the political stuff. My dad knows I don't engage his Q-flavored emails, so he rarely bothers anymore. Phone calls with my mom are mostly about the weather, or my cat, or my career. She usually sneaks in some politics- digs about the vaccines or the illegals or the Deep State. Usually, we get through it.
Last night was something else, though.
She called late (which is weird,) in tears (which is weirder,) telling me to buy freeze-dried food that would last for twenty-five years, because, as soon as Dec. 13, Biden is going to institute a cashless system which could drive the banks out of business overnight and give "Them" total control over... I dunno, SOMETHING or other.
And then... the Biden Speech. OMG, the horrible, evil, Satanic, scraped-from-the-bowels-of-hell, speech! "Did you see it?" No, I lied. She started sobbing. "I just can't believe this is happening. I'm so afraid for you and the future. You really need to be paying attention to this stuff and what They're doing to this country..." It took me nearly an hour to calm her down and reassure her that I was going to be ok, and that I would look into this stuff. I hung up, exhausted and heart-broken, only to find an email from my dad filled with "resources" about Satanic Biden with his red wall of doom. (To be honest, I am a little pissed at whoever picked that backdrop because I KNEW it would drive people like my parents up the wall.)
I don't think there's any way they change their minds- not at this point. They were good parents growing up. Still are, in some ways. But now, they have a room full of food and another full of guns, which is terrifying, since she can't even hold a pencil without shaking. Fox News 24/7 for my mom; Q and God-knows-what craven corner of the interwebs for my dad. Their grandchildren and great-grandchildren don't want to be around them anymore because of the constant haranguing, and my brother pretends to agree with them just like I pretend to not care.
Watching and dealing with your parents' decline is a part of life- I get that. But because of Qanon, Fox, et al., my parents are spending their last few years gripped by fear, hate, and anger, and it's killing me to have to watch it. I honestly have no idea if I'm handling this in the right way.
Anyway, thanks for listening, and I apologize for my crippling parentheses addiction (it's a real problem.) Again, if you have any perspective or advice on how to "be able to be" with people like this in a graceful way without losing all hope or heart, I'm grateful in advance.
Oh, finally, and with every fiber of my being: fuck fox news.